Sunday, February 9, 2014

Oculus Is Awesome for Games, But it's The Future of Movies

Today's article is called " Oculus Is Awesome for Games, But Its the Future of Movies ". It is a really interesting article. Men have always been interested in developing new tools to experience life and our senses to the fullest. Here is another one which is set to revolutionize our visual experience and it is called the Oculus. The Oculus was first launched as a prototype and created quite a buzz back in the summer 2012.
Although, the reception was greater from the videogames industry the developers of the tool see a lot more potential in it.  They believe it can do a lot more for documentaries and movies as a whole. Even though no ones know when it is going to be used in the movies and documentaries industry, it is said to be long awaited. Personally I can not wait to live that experience which seems to be great. I must admit that I have some concerns with the eye's condition after using the oculus, but apart from that I am pretty excited. 

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