When attending this concert I literally did not know what to expect. When the concert started I felt confused to be honest. I felt like it was some experimental music pieces. The first half of the show consisted of unique sounds composition mixed with interesting videos montage. All the pieces were very personal. Retrieving either an experience or were inspired by his kids paintings or moments. Although, for some pieces I was a little bit off because I did not really like the song it was still interesting to feel his passion in his work. Ultimately, it is the last part of the show that definitely caught my attention. It was such a beautiful experience. First with the accordion accompanying him while playing the guitar. Secondly, with the lady that gave a mesmerizing and incredible performance at the end. It was electrifying, everything was on point. Even though I did not know what to expect at first, I was most definitely impressed. It was such an experience and probably one of my stand out moments here at UT; filled with emotion and passion and I believe that's what art is about. That's why I want to address a special thanks to my professor for giving us such an opportunity to encounter artists and experiencing their art with them.
I wish I had been able to see it!!!