Thursday, April 17, 2014

Commercial vs Propaganda

Commercial and propaganda are two pretty similar concepts. They are often hard to differentiate. I believe the difference between these two concepts lies in the core objective of each. I believe that commercial is designed for consumers use. Its main objective is to ignite an incentive to buy. Commercial uses multimedia techniques and means to promote products in general. Commercial is done through the internet, television, radio, or newspapers. Commercial is used to motivate consumers to buy a product or a service. Propaganda on the other hand, is more like a supplement to commercial. Propaganda focuses more on the consumers emotion. Propaganda influences the consumers after the commercial is done. In my opinion, propaganda can either drive a consumer to buy a product or can deter him to do so. Propaganda is sometimes sneaky and can be used in a good or bad way. Propaganda is more to convey an idea and it is often overuse to emphasize the idea that is being conveyed. Despite some similarities, I believe that they are different and it all depends in the way they are used.

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